Green Leaf

Anything about green living

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Green Future with Biosphere Technology

Let us remember the huge price humankind has paid for the sake of development. Because of development the earth became polluted and caused harmful effects on all living things. But the greater impact is on us humans. Many died because of the development-driven catastrophes like pollution.

However, it is safe to say and we are fortunate enough that it’s not yet too late to save the environment. It’s not late for us to change and have a little civic sense, which can be of great help, in preserving the environment. 

There are lots of green technologies that we can support to help us attain a cleaner environment. One is the biosphere technology. Biosphere technology is an invention of Dr. Chris McCormack wherein it is a form of green technology that makes use of a process called gasification process that controls the combustibility of solid wastes to create a heat source that produces an extremely hot steam that will generate clean electricity.
Biosphere technology turns waste to energy with zero greenhouse gas emissions. This technology will not only help us to have a cleaner environment it will also provide a cleaner source of energy like electricity that can help us save on our electricity bill too because of its lower cost.

We still have a bright future ahead of us so why not paint our future green? We can make the change today for a greener environment. Let us be advocates of green future, green future with Biosphere technology that is.


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